Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My daddy is a motherfucker

Parental sex can be pretty fucking traumatic for a fetus. And it happens pretty fucking often because mommy's all hormonal and shit and daddy thinking he needs to squeeze in all the unprotected sex he wants because mommy can't get any more pregnanter and she's gonna close up shop once I pop out.

It's a good thing I haven't developed my memory functions or full use of my hands, because otherwise, I would have strangled myself to death by now.

Seriously, imagine you're like 5 inches tall and you're buck ass naked swimming inside this little bubble, you're chilling out sucking out nutrients and all of a sudden, you see this fucking rod that's as big as you trying to ram its way into your bubble? And it goes on for 7, 8, even 9 minutes - that's a fucking eternity for someone who's barely 4 months old. Yeah, sure, the penis can't actually reach me, but how am I supposed to know that? I'm just a fucking fetus, for fuck sake.

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